Symbols For Sex Education & other Sexually Related Vocabuary
The following symbols are available on request to use free of charge for non-commercial purposes. They are mostly .png graphics. The symbols are copyright TalkSense and may NOT be:
AS this page contains the sex education and sexually related vocabulary, if you are easily offended, please do not scroll down this screen: use your back button to return to the previous screen.
The symbols below are designed to be used in sex education sessions or for talking about sexually related issues. They are all good quality transparent .png files (mostly black and white line drawings)
To request some or all of the sexually related symbols simply use the form at the bottom of this page.
Are there any of this set of symbols that you think are missing? Contact Talksense using the form on this page and let us know and we will add your suggestion for symbol(s) into the set (if appropriate).
- sold or used for any commercial purpose.
- passed on to any other person without permission.
- put into any publication without an acknowledgement of their source.
AS this page contains the sex education and sexually related vocabulary, if you are easily offended, please do not scroll down this screen: use your back button to return to the previous screen.
The symbols below are designed to be used in sex education sessions or for talking about sexually related issues. They are all good quality transparent .png files (mostly black and white line drawings)
To request some or all of the sexually related symbols simply use the form at the bottom of this page.
Are there any of this set of symbols that you think are missing? Contact Talksense using the form on this page and let us know and we will add your suggestion for symbol(s) into the set (if appropriate).
Navigate to Symbol Give Away Choice Page
Click on the Left Arrow below to return to the choice page or hit the Up Arrow to return to the top of this page.